Wednesday, May 23, 2007


从昨天开始就找APARTMENT住的地,到今天最后都要放弃了,终于找到了。真是幸运,而且最主要的从三点多到五点全部搞定。真是LUCKY啊。最主要是还是2 BEDROOM 2 BATH WITH A DAN. 虽然要多交半月的房租,但是已经很好了。唉。明天要做飞机今天完全搞定,真是太牛了。呵呵。


Thursday, May 10, 2007

JAVA 格式化输出问题(转)

JAVA Formatter class 的文档



J2SE 5.0 introduces a new way to format output that is similar to that of the C language's printf. In this approach, each argument to be formatted is described using a string that begins with % and ends with the formatted object's type. This tip introduces you to the new Formatter class and to the syntax of the formatting that you perform with the class.

It's likely that you will most often use the new formatting approach in a call similar to either of the following:

System.out.format("Pi is approximately %f", Math.Pi);
System.out.printf("Pi is approximately %f", Math.Pi);

The printf() and the format() methods perform the same function. System.out is an instance of PrintStream,, and java.lang.String each have four new public methods:

format( String format, Object... args);
printf( String format, Object... args);
format( Locale locale, String format, Object... args);
printf( Locale locale, String format, Object... args);

These correspond to the format() method in the underlying worker class java.util.Formatter class:

format(String format, Object... args)
format(Locale l, String format, Object... args)

Although you'll likely use these methods from String, PrintStream, and PrintWriter, you'll find the documentation for the various available formatting options in the documentation for the Formatter class.

Let's begin with the following example of the format() method:

formatter.format("Pi is approximately %1$f," +
"and e is about %2$f", Math.PI, Math.E);

The format() method requires some of the new language features introduced in J2SE 5.0. One is varargs, which simplifies the way that an arbitray number of arguments can be passed to a method. Notice that a variable number of Object instances can be entered for formatting. Also notice that the objects in the example are autoboxed and unboxed. Autoboxing/Unboxing is also a new feature in J2SE 5.0. Autoboxing eliminates the need for manually converting a primitive type (such as int) to a wrapper class (such as Integer), unboxing automates the reverse process. In the example, Math.PI is a double which is autoboxed to a Double (to be treated as an Object). In addition, in the example the formatted output is written to java.lang.StringBuilder, yet another new feature introduced in J2SE 5.0.

The format itself is a String that includes zero or more formatting elements, each beginning with a %. Each formatting element is applied to one of the Objects passed in. Each formatting element has the general form:


The argument index is a positive integer that indicates the position of the argument in the argument list. The numbering begins with 1 for the first position, not with 0. So the first position in the previous code snippet is occupied by Math.PI, and is indicated by using 1$. The second position is occupied by Math.E, and is indicated by using 2$.

The width specifies the minimum number of characters to be written as output.

The precision is used to restrict the number of non-zero characters.

The conversion describes the type of the object being formatted. Much of this should be familiar to C programmers because this is a Java implementation of printf(). Common types include f for float, t for time, d for decimal, o for octal, x for hexadecimal, s for general, and c for a Unicode character. The following sample application, UsingFormatter, allows you to enter different formats from the command line and view the output. Notice that the application instantiates a destination -- in this example, a StringBuilder. It then instantiates a Formatter and associates it with the destination. The Formatter then formats some String and sends the output to the destination. The results of the conversion are then displayed to standard out.

package format;

import java.util.Formatter;

public class UsingFormatter {

public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length != 1) {
System.err.println("usage: " +
"java format/UsingFormatter ");
String format = args[0];

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(stringBuilder);
formatter.format("Pi is approximately " + format +
", and e is about " + format, Math.PI, Math.E);

Compile and run this with the command line argument %f:

java format/UsingFormatter %f

You should get the result:

Pi is approximately 3.141593, and e is about 2.718282

Rerun this and set the precision to be two decimal places:

java format/UsingFormatter %.2f

You should see the following:

Pi is approximately 3.14, and e is about 2.72

Notice that the numbers are not just truncated. The value of e is rounded off to two decimal places. You can additionally specify the width by supplying the command line argument %6.2f. This time leading spaces are inserted because you specified that the number should use six characters, even though the precision restricts it to using only three characters and a decimal place. If you enter the command:

java format/UsingFormatter %6.2f

You should see this:

Pi is approximately 3.14, and e is about 2.72

The position can be used to specify which argument to format. Rerun UsingFormatter with the command line argument %1$.2f. This specifies that you want to use Math.PI twice. You should see the following output:

Pi is approximately 3.14, and e is about 3.14

You can change the Locale used to format the numbers by adding an import statement and calling a different constructor. Here's an example:

package format;

import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.Locale;

public class UsingFormatter {

public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length != 1) {
System.err.println("usage: " +
"java format/UsingFormatter ");
String format = args[0];

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(stringBuilder,
formatter.format("Pi is approximately " + format +
", and e is about " + format, Math.PI, Math.E);

Compile and run this with the argument %.2f and you should see the decimal points changed to commas.

Pi is approximately 3,14, and e is about 2,72

As previously mentioned, you will typically not use the Formatter class explicitly. Instead, for example, you can directly use the printf() and format() methods in the PrintStream class. The following program, UsingSystemOut, is a rewritten version of the UsingFormatter program to use standard out:

package format;

public class UsingSystemOut {

public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length != 1) {
System.err.println("usage: " +
"java format/UsingSystemOut ");
String format = args[0];

System.out.format("Pi is approximately " + format +
", and e is approximately " + format, Math.PI, Math.E);

The behavior of UsingSystemOut is slightly different than that of UsingFormatter. The UsingFormatter program uses println(), the UsingSystemOut program does not. Because of that, if you run UsingSystemOut from the command line, you will notice that your next command prompt is on the same line as your output. You need to insert a new line. You can do this using formatted output by adding %n. Run UsingSystemOut with the command line argument %.2f%n:

java format/UsingSystemOut %.2f%n

You will see the following result:

Pi is approximately 3.14
, and e is about 2.72

You can replace the last method call with printf() if you prefer. There is no difference between System.out.format() and System.out.printf().

As a final example, let's take a look at how date and time objects can be formatted. These objects have the conversion type t or T. That letter is followed by a second letter that indicates which part of the time should be displayed and how it should be displayed. For example, you can display the hour in a variety of forms using tH, tI, tk, or tl, and the minute within the hour using tM. These can also be combined with tr, which displays tH:tM. Similarly, you can display the day of the week, the name of the month, and so on, using the format conversion keys detailed in the Formatter API.

Here is an example that displays the date by formatting the current time using tr for the hour and minute, tA for the day of the week, tB for the name of the month, te for the number of the day of the month, and tY for the year. These could all be preceded by 1$ to point to the first position. Instead, the %tr points to the first position. The < in the other format strings refers back to the position formatted previously.

package format;

import java.util.Calendar;

public class FormattingDates {

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.printf("Right now it is %tr on " + "% Calendar.getInstance());

Compile and run the FormattingDates program. You will see output that looks something like this:

Right now it is 01:55:19 PM on Wednesday, September 22, 2004.

This tip is intended to get you started using the new Formatter facility for formatting output. In some ways, the options should feel familiar to you from the old printf() days. Here as before, there are many possibilities available. You will only learn them by trying out different options and deciding which ones meet your needs.

For more information about formatting with the new formatter, see the documentation for the Formatter class.

Monday, May 7, 2007


1、Windows NT4.0+ORACLE 8.0.4


SQL> show all --查看所有68个系统变量值

SQL> show user --显示当前连接用户

SQL> show error                --显示错误

SQL> set heading off --禁止输出列标题,默认值为ON

SQL> set feedback off --禁止显示最后一行的计数反馈信息,默认值为"对6个或更多的记录,回送ON"

SQL> set timing on --默认为OFF,设置查询耗时,可用来估计SQL语句的执行时间,测试性能

SQL> set sqlprompt "SQL> " --设置默认提示符,默认值就是"SQL> "

SQL> set linesize 1000 --设置屏幕显示行宽,默认100

SQL> set autocommit ON --设置是否自动提交,默认为OFF

SQL> set pause on --默认为OFF,设置暂停,会使屏幕显示停止,等待按下ENTER键,再显示下一页

SQL> set arraysize 1 --默认为15

SQL> set long 1000 --默认为80


SQL> desc user_views
列名 可空值否 类型
------------------------------- -------- ----

SQL> define a = '''20000101 12:01:01''' --定义局部变量,如果想用一个类似在各种显示中所包括的回车那样的常量,
SQL> select &a from dual;
原值 1: select &a from dual
新值 1: select '20000101 12:01:01' from dual

20000101 12:01:01


SQL> set heading off --禁止输出列标题
SQL> set feedback off --禁止显示最后一行的计数反馈信息

select 'desc '||tname from tab where tabtype='SYNONYM';

select 'select '''||tname||''',count(*) from '||tname||';' from tab where tabtype='TABLE';

select 'grant select on '||table_name||' to public;' from user_tables where 《条件》;

select 'drop '||tabtype||' '||tname from tab;

select 'drop user '||username||' cascade;' from all_users where user_id>25;




[ 天堂之水 2002年9月18日,阅读人数36人 ]

1、Windows 98 第二版
2、Oracle数据库版本为:Personal Oracle7 Release

假设当前执行命令为:select * from tab;

(a)ppend     添加文本到缓冲区当前行尾    a order by tname 结果:select * from tab order by tname;
(c)hange/old/new 在当前行用新的文本替换旧的文本 c/*/tname     结果:select tname from tab;
(c)hange/text  从当前行删除文本        c/tab       结果:select tname from ;
del       删除当前行
del n      删除第n行
(i)nput 文本   在当前行之后添加一行
(l)ist      显示缓冲区中所有行
(l)ist n     显示缓冲区中第 n 行
(l)ist m n    显示缓冲区中 m 到 n 行
run       执行当前缓冲区的命令
/        执行当前缓冲区的命令
r        执行当前缓冲区的命令
@文件名     运行调入内存的sql文件,如:

SQL> edit s<回车>
在其中输入“select * from tab;”,存盘退出。

SQL> @s<回车>

@@文件名     在.sql文件中调用令一个.sql文件时使用

save 文件名   将缓冲区的命令以文件方式存盘,缺省文件扩展名为.sql
get 文件名    调入存盘的sql文件
start 文件名   运行调入内存的sql文件

spool 文件名   把这之后的各种操作及执行结果“假脱机”即存盘到磁盘文件上,默认文件扩展名为.lst
spool      显示当前的“假脱机”状态
spool off    停止输出

SQL> spool a
SQL> spool
正假脱机到 A.LST
SQL> spool off
SQL> spool

exit       退出SQL*PLUS
desc 表名    显示表的结构
show user    显示当前连接用户
show error    显示错误
show all     显示所有68个系统变量值
edit       打开默认编辑器,Windows系统中默认是notepad.exe,把缓冲区中最后一条SQL语句调入afiedt.buf文件中进行编辑
edit 文件名   把当前目录中指定的.sql文件调入编辑器进行编辑

clear screen   清空当前屏幕显示

Saturday, May 5, 2007


话说我的哈佛同学Bob,这Bob先生是一个典型的英国贵族,无论做什么事情都是一副慢条斯理的样子,为人温文尔雅,有条不紊,是个很有风度的男士。但他有一个致命的毛病,就是喜欢开快车。只要一上公路,汽车就象飞一般。为此他吃了不少罚单,还险些被吊销了驾照。后来,Bob先生听说有商店在卖雷达侦测器,可以提前侦测到警察使用的雷达测速器。于是Bob先生就立即到商店花1000多美元买了一套最高级的雷达侦测器,装在他的汽车上。这套雷达侦测器有6 个探头,不仅可以侦测前后和两侧,而且可以侦测天上巡逻直升飞机的雷达测速器。一旦他的侦测器侦察到警察使用的雷达,测速器就会发出“小心啊,有警察,小心啊,有警察”的信号。自从Bob先生安装了这台机器,还真是安静了几年,再没有被警察抓到。


















Friday, May 4, 2007


The best way to beat one is NOT to get one, so we'll deal with that first.


1. Don't act like a dick. If you act like a belligerent idiot, you will end up with a lot more than just a speeding ticket. More likely you will end up in jail with your car impounded!

2. Do not admit guilt. Say nothing, if possible. The cop can use your admission against you in court. Better to say nothing or act dumb (see below)


1. Say "yes Officer, no Officer" to everything. You want this over with - fast!

2. Act stupid. It helps, even cops don't want to torture the stupid!

3. Act scared! As if the tickets means the end of your life! Again, cops waver at this point. They may not write it if they feel sorry for you.

4. Act ignorant about what you did. Even if they give you a ticket at least you didn't admit you were speeding, which they will use in court against you later.


1. Don't argue the situation out on the road - you will not win! You don't want them to remember you when you do go to court. SAY NOTHING - then drive away.

2. Remember everything about the situation! How much traffic, the weather, which lane you were in. Write it down if you are too stoned to remember this stuff.


1. Always plead 'not guilty.' This may be a pre-trial appearance, or you may be able to send in the ticket with 'not guilty' plea. Try to delay a pre-trial appearance if possible. There will be a specified date if you have to mail in the plea.


1. Very important. DELAY, DELAY, DELAY!!!!!! Keep putting off that court date! You don't want to go to court! You want to make it so the cop thinks the case is so far in the past he'll never remember anything. A small story: When John Hussar, the director of The Blur of Insanity went to college he got a speeding ticket (90 mph in a 55 mph zone) from a New York State Trooper. He successfully put off going to court for two and a half years (mainly by lying about going on various trips to Europe)!! When he final did show up in court he discovered that the Trooper had been transferred out of the area! The case was immediately dismissed!
The Lesson? The longer you wait the better chance the cop won't show up!

2. Request information (optional, it can work for you, or make them want to nail you more!) Also they may or may not give you any of this depending on local laws!:

a.Copies of manufacturers names, including makes, models and serial numbers of all radar/laser guns in use by the Town/City/State Police Department.

b. Copies of manufacturers recommended maintenance for all of the above stated radar guns.

c. Copies of any manufacturer literature as it relates to the correct use, including but not limited to mounting, aiming, weather and traffic limitations, for all radar guns in use by the Town/City/State Police Department.

d. A copy of the past six months' maintenance records for all of the above stated radar guns, including, but not limited to, calibration specifications.

e. A copy of the Authorized Certification of Training, issued to the Officer who gave you the ticket, in the proper use of all radar guns in use by that Town/City/State Police Department he/she works for.

f. A copy of the patrol car assignments for the date you got the ticket.

This should give you something to work with, and also make the cop not want to show up to deal with all this crap!


What happens in court:

Go check in with the clerk.
See if your officer arrives, if he doesn't that will often be the end right there.
The judge will call your case.
The officer will testify first.
You then question the officer
You then call any witnesses you have
The officer can make a closing statement
You can make a closing statement
The judge decides.
1. Wear a suit, if you own one. If you look like a derelict, you will be treated like a derelict. We don't care if you think that is unfair! The world is not fair - grow up.

2. Be nice. Again, being a dick will just get you in trouble and solves nothing.

3. IT is the officers duty to prove you GUILTY. If he fails to prove your guilt the case will be dismissed.

BE confident that you will win the case!

Check the actual wording of the code you violated. If the officer fails to prove guilt in any part of the code then you should be dismissed.

BEFORE an officer can use the radar/laser reading as evidence, he has to establish a few things Jurisdiction Certification, up to date, accurate, traffic and engineering survey, radar/laser properly calibrated, tuning forks calibrated (with radar), FCC license, radar/laser unit appears on that FCC license

If the officer attempts to use the radar reading before establishing those things above, politely interrupt and say "objection your honor, inadmissible evidence."

Then tell the judge why. If the officer fails to prove your guilt at the end of his testimony don't question him, move to have the case dismissed. And explain what he failed to prove.

If the officer was moving when was his speedometer last calibrated? Have the records to see if he contradicts himself. If officer guesses your speed. throw something and ask him how fast it was going. If he is off by 3 MPH at 15 MPH speed then think about how far off he is at 35 MPH.

Were the speed limits prima facie? or Absolute? If prima facie then prove the speed you were traveling at wasn't unsafe.

ASK questions like: what color clothes was I wearing? did I have any passengers?

What was the weather like? To see how well versed the officer is.

See if you can attend traffic school in exchange for a dismissal of the charge (never bothers your insurance.)

OFTEN the worst part of a ticket is the increase in your insurance. By beating the ticket you don't have to worry about that...

Hopefully the cop won't show up - in which case you will ask that the case be dismissed - 99% of the time it will.

Anyway - there you have it. Good Luck. And if you beat a speeding ticket with any of this advice you have to make ten people you know go and see the movie!
12-20-2006, 02:24 PM
The best way to beat one is NOT to get one, so we'll deal with that first.


1. Don't act like a dick. If you act like a belligerent idiot, you will end up with a lot more than just a speeding ticket. More likely you will end up in jail with your car impounded!

2. Do not admit guilt. Say nothing, if possible. The cop can use your admission against you in court. Better to say nothing or act dumb (see below)


1. Say "yes Officer, no Officer" to everything. You want this over with - fast!

2. Act stupid. It helps, even cops don't want to torture the stupid!

3. Act scared! As if the tickets means the end of your life! Again, cops waver at this point. They may not write it if they feel sorry for you.

4. Act ignorant about what you did. Even if they give you a ticket at least you didn't admit you were speeding, which they will use in court against you later.


1. Don't argue the situation out on the road - you will not win! You don't want them to remember you when you do go to court. SAY NOTHING - then drive away.

2. Remember everything about the situation! How much traffic, the weather, which lane you were in. Write it down if you are too stoned to remember this stuff.


1. Always plead 'not guilty.' This may be a pre-trial appearance, or you may be able to send in the ticket with 'not guilty' plea. Try to delay a pre-trial appearance if possible. There will be a specified date if you have to mail in the plea.


1. Very important. DELAY, DELAY, DELAY!!!!!! Keep putting off that court date! You don't want to go to court! You want to make it so the cop thinks the case is so far in the past he'll never remember anything. A small story: When John Hussar, the director of The Blur of Insanity went to college he got a speeding ticket (90 mph in a 55 mph zone) from a New York State Trooper. He successfully put off going to court for two and a half years (mainly by lying about going on various trips to Europe)!! When he final did show up in court he discovered that the Trooper had been transferred out of the area! The case was immediately dismissed!
The Lesson? The longer you wait the better chance the cop won't show up!

2. Request information (optional, it can work for you, or make them want to nail you more!) Also they may or may not give you any of this depending on local laws!:

a.Copies of manufacturers names, including makes, models and serial numbers of all radar/laser guns in use by the Town/City/State Police Department.

b. Copies of manufacturers recommended maintenance for all of the above stated radar guns.

c. Copies of any manufacturer literature as it relates to the correct use, including but not limited to mounting, aiming, weather and traffic limitations, for all radar guns in use by the Town/City/State Police Department.

d. A copy of the past six months' maintenance records for all of the above stated radar guns, including, but not limited to, calibration specifications.

e. A copy of the Authorized Certification of Training, issued to the Officer who gave you the ticket, in the proper use of all radar guns in use by that Town/City/State Police Department he/she works for.

f. A copy of the patrol car assignments for the date you got the ticket.

This should give you something to work with, and also make the cop not want to show up to deal with all this crap!


What happens in court:

Go check in with the clerk.
See if your officer arrives, if he doesn't that will often be the end right there.
The judge will call your case.
The officer will testify first.
You then question the officer
You then call any witnesses you have
The officer can make a closing statement
You can make a closing statement
The judge decides.
1. Wear a suit, if you own one. If you look like a derelict, you will be treated like a derelict. We don't care if you think that is unfair! The world is not fair - grow up.

2. Be nice. Again, being a dick will just get you in trouble and solves nothing.

3. IT is the officers duty to prove you GUILTY. If he fails to prove your guilt the case will be dismissed.

BE confident that you will win the case!

Check the actual wording of the code you violated. If the officer fails to prove guilt in any part of the code then you should be dismissed.

BEFORE an officer can use the radar/laser reading as evidence, he has to establish a few things Jurisdiction Certification, up to date, accurate, traffic and engineering survey, radar/laser properly calibrated, tuning forks calibrated (with radar), FCC license, radar/laser unit appears on that FCC license

If the officer attempts to use the radar reading before establishing those things above, politely interrupt and say "objection your honor, inadmissible evidence."

Then tell the judge why. If the officer fails to prove your guilt at the end of his testimony don't question him, move to have the case dismissed. And explain what he failed to prove.

If the officer was moving when was his speedometer last calibrated? Have the records to see if he contradicts himself. If officer guesses your speed. throw something and ask him how fast it was going. If he is off by 3 MPH at 15 MPH speed then think about how far off he is at 35 MPH.

Were the speed limits prima facie? or Absolute? If prima facie then prove the speed you were traveling at wasn't unsafe.

ASK questions like: what color clothes was I wearing? did I have any passengers?

What was the weather like? To see how well versed the officer is.

See if you can attend traffic school in exchange for a dismissal of the charge (never bothers your insurance.)

OFTEN the worst part of a ticket is the increase in your insurance. By beating the ticket you don't have to worry about that...

Hopefully the cop won't show up - in which case you will ask that the case be dismissed - 99% of the time it will.

Anyway - there you have it. Good Luck. And if you beat a speeding ticket with any of this advice you have to make ten people you know go and see the movie!


刚看完SPIDERMAN 3到家,刚才在回来的路上因为超速被抓,要交160的罚款。唉,早想着会这一天,没想到会是在今天。说实话,感觉挺爽的呵呵。 一开始我在玩定速,唉,想来如果不超前面那辆车也不会被抓了。结果限速55,开到83。主要是路上没车啊,都1点多了。警车就呆在快车道边上熄了灯守株待我啊 ,唉, 我一开始还以为是一个车坏了呢, 刚来是真坏(心坏, 躲着测速)。我快看到它时,车就起动了,然后跟着我,一开始我说怎么一直跟着我啊,我让右边让你过吧,结果还跟着我,我就意识到不好了,然后往右边靠,这时警灯也打开了,我知道彻底完蛋了。

停在路边,乖乖呆车里等警察出来找你。 首先让我把车玻璃完全低下去,然后说官话啊,说什么是什么玛里兰警察,你超速的情况都被录下来了。然后说什么55 83 。 然后还问我为什么要开那么快,我说刚看完SPIDERMAN3,只是想早点回不家休息,这家伙还问我怎么样,我说好呗。接着给他看驾照(才拿到一个多月啊,之前用的国内的)然后看车的注册材料,因为第一次登记的时候住址一个单词拼错了,他又回车察资料 ,警车里还真是什么都有啊。唉, 我还想问下第一次能不能免,结果告我说可以上法庭,我心想唉上了也没用,最主要太麻烦,估计得交钱了。

唉,今天刚收到SSN OFFICE 来信说两周内给我寄SSN CARD ,我都等两个多月了,朋友都两周办下来的,结果刚有一个好消息,刚有接到这个罚单。

