Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Make a row or column always visible in Excel using Freeze Panes ( 转)

Freeze Rows

To freeze a row in your worksheet, highlight the row where you wish all rows before the highlighted row to be frozen or locked, go to Window>Freeze Panes and you will see a line appear across your worksheet. Everything above the line is frozen and will remain in view when you scroll down your worksheet.

Freeze Columns

To freeze a column in your worksheet, highlight the column where you wish all columns before, the highlighted column to be frozen or locked, go to Window>Freeze Panes and you will see a line appear down your worksheet. Everything to the left of the line is frozen and will remain in view when you scroll across your worksheet.

Freeze both Columns and Rows

Click in a single cell of your worksheet and go to Window>Freeze Panes. This will freeze all rows above the selected cell and all columns to the left of the selected cell.

Make a multiline cell in MS Excel?

1. Auto wrap text.
In order to make text appear as multiline, right click the cell and choose Format cells.

A pop up box appears then select the "alignment" tab and select "wrap text".

2. Hit Alt+Enter you will move to the next line, but this way the text will not automatically wrap while you change the Column's width.