Thursday, May 5, 2011

How to force a single session or allow multiple Remote Desktop sessions per user(转)

Remote Desktop/Terminal Services has two settings for multiple sessions. You can either allow multiple sessions per user (in which case if you log in twice, you'll get two sessions), or force a single session per user (in which case you can only log in once and subsequent sessions will be redirected to the original session.

To change this setting, you'll need to perform a registry change. The following steps describe the process:

  1. Start Registry Editor (by default, this is located at c:\windows\regedit.exe).
  2. Go to the following registry key:


  3. If the fSingleSessionPerUser value doesn't exist, create a new DWORD value named fSingleSessionPerUser
  4. Open the fSingleSessionPerUser value. The possible values for this setting are as follows:
    Allow multiple sessions per user
    Force each user to a single session
  5. Enter the new setting, and then click OK.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

About Hazard Communication Standard

When can China have something like this?
You Have a Right to Know

In 1983, the Federal Government established the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. This standard is designed to protect employees who use hazardous materials on the job.

The Hazard Communication Standard states that companies which produce and use hazardous materials must provide their employees with information and training on the proper handling and use of these materials.

You, as an employee, have a Right to Know about the hazardous materials used in your work area and the potential effects of these materials upon your health and safety.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Use Cache-buster to Avoid IE Cache in Windows Gadgets"GET", myURL+"?cachebuster=" + new Date().getTime(), true);