上次就被BOF 黑了什么 RETURN CHECK FEE ¥39,原因是用了CRIDET CARD ACCOUNT 的CHECK ,结果剩下的LIMIT 不够 ,不过也怪我,没看清不是CHECKING ACCOUNT的NUMBER. 这次更离谱,一个STOP CHECK PAYMENT FEE 要$30 ,我停了两个要60,如果写的清清楚楚也是算了,网页上写的模愣两可的。
Stop Check Payment
To stop a check payment on a single check, enter the exact check number, and the exact
amount(dollars and cents). If this information is not accurate, the check will be paid.
To place a stop payment on a range of checks, enter the range of check numbers in the from
and to boxes. The check amount is not required for a range of checks.
Stop Check Payment orders will be effective the following business day. A fee may be incurred when placing a stop check payment. Refer to your personal schedule of fees for details. If you do not have a copy of your personal schedule of fees, you can access it by using the Search function at the top of this screen and searching for the word fees. Information about stop check payment fees can be found in the Miscellaneous Fees section of the schedule.
大家看, A fee may be incurred when placing a stop check payment. 这句话写在那么大段里面,谁看的到啊,这不是MISLEADING 是什么 ,还 MAY BE INCURRED 还什么Refer to your personal schedule of fees for details. 谁会看专门的手册那么细啊,气死人了( I THINK THEY DO IT ON PURPOSE)。我让朋友帮看他的 CHAVE CHESE BANK 同样的服务是也要花30块,可人家写的很清楚, 每一条就写明要30 块。
唉,人生太完整了,刚在CIRCUITCITY 免费得了24块的GIFTCARD,因为我ORDER了东西,到了地方说没货了。CIRCUIT CITY 有一个POLICY ,如果网上ORDER后,24 分钟后不能PICKUP的话就退钱并给24D的GIFTCARD.结果晚上一查竟然这边还亏了30块。气死我了。
明天去ARGUE ,希望能成功吧。祝福吧。
唉,结果是肯定的,不行啊。 花钱买教训吧。